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Quitting Dip


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  • Location
    Spokane, WA
  • Interests
    Hiking, boating, skiing, golfing, the NFL. Quitting dip obviously
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TLOC's Achievements

  1. TLOC- 245- I've read the intro and will have to get to it after classes. I got on at 9 to post but saw the message to read my intro and couldn't check it until after my class...
  2. TLOC- 244- With Woos, BK, Lighty, and Bmonday
  3. TLOC- 243- I'm still quit with you all. I spend weekends in Northern Idaho at a cabin in the woods. Sometimes I get internet sometimes not. On weekdays I post before 10am. I post EDD.
  4. TLOC- 242- quit with the Plebes today and every day
  5. TLOC- 241- Quit with all the Plebes! That was my first summer without dip in 17 yrs and loved every minute of it.
  6. 235- quit as shit with lighty, BK, Woos, Kash, Bmonday,Dood and all the rest! Have a good weekend guys
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