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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by monkey

  1. monkey 255 @Virginia_RN you here to quit or what?
  2. Monkey 254 No longer bowing to the Leper Messiah aka Nicotine! Hmmm...that actually works from the QD perspective.
  3. monkey 253 spit that shit out and start quittin dip right here.
  4. monkey 251 The plebes are kickin ass in here!
  5. monkey 249 quittin dip with the quittin dips.
  6. @uppercuts mustve hit his New Year 3 day quit goal. The upside is he kicked ass for three days. Big Whoop..got in the ring and nic kicked his ass?
  7. monkey see monkey do 247 Come on in and get that quit started @GrizzlyBear Put your name and number of days quit here on the plebe scroll then go down and create an introduction for yourself. Spend some time reading so you know what QD is about. This shit works or I wouldnt still be here and quit.
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