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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Sh4string

  1. Sh4string 1480 happy birthday Owl and congrats Kobe!!
  2. Sh4string 1479....I’m suddenly hungry for melons
  3. Sh4string 1478 with the Plebes
  4. Sh4string 1476 happy birthday @Doc!!!, congrats @AJK, and huge shout out to @JimJamRustlin on Legionnaire !!!
  5. It started with my cousin stealing his dad’s Red Man chew when I was 13 or so....got sick. Within a year I was a semi- regular user of chewing tobacco. At a fishing show when I was 15, multiple different dip companies were giving free samples. They didn’t seem to care how old we were either. Most notably was Kodiak, which had me hooked at go. Over 25 plus years it just got worse, and was using 2 1/2 cans daily. I dipped so much on a hunting trip 4 years ago that my entire mouth was full of sores, and that is when I decided I had enough. i have now been free for 1475 days as I write this, and it is never too late(or too early) to quit! I learned a lot on this journey too freedom from nicotine. I learned that posting a daily promise to strangers seems odd, but quickly became the foundation of my quit. I made friends(many whom I consider brothers); these guys and gals cared if I succeeded and are always there for me. I learned that the first 45 days were a living hell of agitation, insomnia, and cravings. I will never go through that again. I post every day and will continue to do so. Post every day, get to know fellow quitters, learn about addiction, exercise, use fake eat seeds.....you can do it. I am living proof that this system works. Anyone is free to contact me any time for help. I’m thankful to every single person here that posts daily. I honestly feel like this saved my life. Sh4string
  6. Sh4string 1474 why am I suddenly thirsty for milk?
  7. Now that’s a picture....congrats @Quattro. Sh4string 1472
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