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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by IndianaMike

  1. IndianaMike 1751 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler; HF & JR today
  2. IndianaMike 1751 quitting dip cold turkey
  3. IndianaMike 1750 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler, 🐸 and JR
  4. IndianaMike 1749 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler, HF & JR today
  5. @JR4, good to see you post up a day 1. Near the end of the week is a great time to get your shit together. By Monday morning you’ll be a new person. Actually the day any addict decides to post their day 1 is a fantastic day. Start an intro and log all your thoughts and chronicle your achievements. You can do this. We all have had our own day 1 and are now quit. Just keep reading what you can and buy in. It’s up to you.
  6. IndianaMike 1748 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb,Tyler and Hoya today
  7. IndianaMike 1748 quitting dip cold turkey
  8. IndianaMike 1747 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler and HF
  9. IndianaMike 1747 quitting dip cold turkey
  10. IndianaMike 1746 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb,Tyler and 🐸
  11. IndianaMike 1745 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler and HF
  12. When you go it alone, it’s very easy to just grab the half can you threw away and toss one in. There is no magic pill that makes everything easy. The way I looked at it was I did this to myself and there is a price to pay. I was mentally prepared to go through hell to become quit when I chose to actually do it. I found the first couple days to be a shock to the system but it really wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I found these guys and have been quit for over 4 years. The only time I think about dip is when a new guy stops by. You can do this if you really want. When you join up you will have greater access to the site. Once you choose to post on the scroll, all nicotine is off the table. Hope to see you on the scroll.
  13. I switched to sunflower seeds and that helped with the oral fixation. Once you choose to become quit it doesn’t take long for the nicotine to get out of your system. If you use NRT or vape you will always be in withdrawal. If you quit cold turkey, you nip it in the bud and are on the road to recovery. Cold turkey is the safest way to go because you stop poisoning yourself.
  14. IndianaMike 1744 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler and 🐸
  15. IndianaMike 1743 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler and HF today
  16. I will quit dipping when I turn 21. I will quit dipping when I turn 30. I will quit when my son is born. I will quit at 40. I always said I would quit dipping if sschu could go a week without
  17. IndianaMike 1742 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler and 🐸 today
  18. I remember how free I felt once I knew all that nicotine poison was out of my system. How liberating it is to choose what enters my body without having my addiction have a say so. NRT keeps nicotine in your system. Cold turkey is the only way to be quit.
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