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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by IndianaMike

  1. Only quitting dip cold turkey is the way to go. Any other stoppage strategy is doomed to failure.
  2. IndianaMike 1741 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler and HF today
  3. IndianaMike 1741 quitting dip cold turkey
  4. IndianaMike 1740 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler and 🐸
  5. IndianaMike 1740 quitting dip cold turkey
  6. When I first stopped dipping, I felt like I gave up an old friend. I quickly learned that there was nothing beneficial with dip, tobacco, nicotine, smoking, vaping, or pipe smoking. I learned to hate it and that realization put me on the path to quit.
  7. IndianaMike 1739 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler and 🐸
  8. I read an article today about some dude cut back from 100 daily cigs to 4. Why be in perpetual withdrawal? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7101949/Die-hard-smoker-100-day-cigarette-habit-QUITS-puffing-27-years-heres-how.html
  9. I decided to quit cold turkey because nrt is for pussies that don’t want to be free from nicotine addiction. Living life tobacco free is the only way for me.
  10. IndianaMike 1738 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler and Hoyafrog today
  11. I learned to quit dipping tobacco cold turkey with these guys and we are supportive of each other. Quitting dip was the best decision I’ve made.
  12. IndianaMike 1737 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler and 🐸
  13. IndianaMike 1736 quitting dip with Tee, Jerb, Tyler and Hoyafrog today
  14. IndianaMike 1735 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and Tyler
  15. IndianaMike 1734 quitting dip with Tee and Tyler
  16. Quitting dip is not hard to do because I post my promise everyday. I quit using nicotine cold turkey because that’s the only was to be free from tobacco.
  17. IndianaMike 1733 quitting dip with Tee and Tyler
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