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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by IndianaMike

  1. IndianaMike 1711 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and Tyler and the Plebes today
  2. IndianaMike 1710 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and Tyler and the Plebes today
  3. IndianaMike 1710 quitting dip cold turkey
  4. IndianaMike 1709 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and Tyler and the Plebes today
  5. IndianaMike 1708 quitting dip cold turkey
  6. IndianaMike 1708 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and Tyler and the Plebes today
  7. IndianaMike 1707 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and Tyler and the Plebes today
  8. IndianaMike 1706 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and Tyler and the Plebes today
  9. IndianaMike 1706 quitting dip cold turkey
  10. IndianaMike 1705 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and Tyler
  11. IndianaMike 1705 quitting dip cold turkey
  12. IndianaMike 1704 quitting dip cold turkey
  13. IndianaMike 1704 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and Tyler and the Plebes today
  14. When you decide that you are quit then post your name with a day 1 in the Plebe scroll. It’s worked for me for 1703 days in a row. It is a 100% effective quit method if you post scroll first thing every day and are a man/woman of your word.
  15. IndianaMike 1703 quitting dip cold turkey
  16. IndianaMike 1703 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and Tyler
  17. I would use an empty grizzly can as a spitter in a pinch. I could get it out of my hiding spot and toss more easily than a bottle. What losers we were, hiding dip from people all those years when quitting cold turkey would have been the simple solution. Can’t turn back time, but being quit now is what’s important. Glad you’re here and you need to be quit for yourself, not anyone else.
  18. IndianaMike 1702 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and the Plebes today
  19. IndianaMike 1701 quitting dip with Tee and Jerb and the Plebes today
  20. IndianaMike 1701 quitting dip cold turkey
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