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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by IndianaMike

  1. Soxfnnlansing 1019 quitting with the plebes today
  2. Soxfnnlansing 1018 quitting with the plebes today
  3. Soxfnnlansing 1016 quitting with the plebes today
  4. I guess Mayflower passengers don't think they have to respond when asked about their tardiness.
  5. Soxfnnlansing 1015 quitting with the plebes today
  6. Thanks for remembering to post your promise tonight.
  7. 5 weeks quit is a big deal. Post on scroll 1st thing and you will stay quit.
  8. He used to show up in the late afternoon and would write something like "strong" after his number. I guess that word "strong" is supposed to speak to me; I'm the addict that must post first thing everyday but guys that are "strong" can post whenever they get around to it. That word is to convey a robust quit to the addicts that "get it". Pr0f's quit was strong but he isn't here anymore. @Reveille, you should peruse the graveyard and read their responses to being late on the scroll. I just don't want to see you throw away a budding quit.
  9. Soxfnnlansing 1014 quitting with the plebes today
  10. Pr0f, is that you reincarnated?
  11. Soxfnnlansing 1013 quitting with the plebes today
  12. Soxfnnlansing 1012 quitting with the plebes today
  13. Thanks for stopping by newbie
  14. Soxfnnlansing 1011 quitting with the plebes today
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