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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by IndianaMike

  1. These Pilgrims have been here for over a year and are sorry assed scroll posters. It's the same 3 quitters bringing us down consistently. We don't need sorry ass, we want bad ass!
  2. Where is QD on Lady G's depth chart? Does she pull the late game at the other places too or just here. @Lady G, looks like you're drifting away slowly but surely every week.
  3. You found the right place to quit dip. Smiley day 6
  4. @GrizzlyBear @Pawghunter If you haven't read this yet, you should when you have some time.
  5. Soxfnnlansing 504 days at the best place to learn how to quit dipping nicotine.
  6. Soxfnnlansing 504 days learning how to quit dipping with Mole, PAWG, Grizz, & all the new guys wanting to be free from nicotine.
  7. Why does it seem like @grizclaws gets on a nice roll and then falls back into 1/2 assing? We have 3 new guys to show how it's done. Thought griz was one of the guys that likes working the intros and helping out guys. Showing up after your second meal of the day helps no one besides Nick Cage. I hope your feelings aren't hurt, just get with the program.
  8. Soxfnnlansing 502 learning how to quit dipping with mole, pawg, & grizzly bear.
  9. Soxfnnlansing 501 learning how to quit dipping one day at a time with the Plebes
  10. Soxfnnlansing 501 quitting dip the old fashioned way, by earning it
  11. If you want to learn how to quit dip, you have come to the right place. Sign your name and number below
  12. It is shit he had no quit number. This is like the +1 crowd at KaveMart.
  13. We post first thing in the morning. What you did was give us a status update. How did it go today? Is it getting any easier?
  14. Only MoLeY mAn is representing today? Not a good day in Plebeville. Where is @uppercuts and @Pawghunter?
  15. Soxfnnlansing 500 days quitting dip with the Plebes
  16. Soxfnnlansing 500 days at the place to help to quit dipping
  17. Soxfnnlansing 499 with our three Plebes and new quitters today
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