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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by IndianaMike

  1. Soxfnnlansing 487 quit with C2 dood today. Happy new year all
  2. soxfnnlansing 483 days quit with mole. 7 weeks is a good base for a 2016 quit.
  3. Soxfnnlansing 481 quit with done4's 6-0-0 Christmas quit
  4. soxfnnlansing 479 quitting with people that care about quit the way I care about quit. I will quit with the pussies also, but on my own terms
  5. Soxfnnlansing 478 with Moley mAn and the Plebe in all of us. We are never cured. @Hubie337
  6. Soxfnnlansing 478 days being thankful for my freedom from nicotine, and trying to protect what got me here.
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