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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by IndianaMike

  1. Soxfnnlansing 452 days w/o nicotine. Quit with Mole & JayD. Thankful for QD and all you addicts today.
  2. Soxfnnlansing 452 days thankful for being free from the can
  3. You aren't a dickbag. Starr needs to text 5 dudes then he'll know 3 or 4 of them will get him/her on the scroll
  4. 2 weeks so far, should be feeling good. You're doing it my MoLeY man, odaat
  5. You getting here late has you front page on the Hall Of Shame page today. You will never see my name over there. Get with the program Sschu, either post before you pass out or don't drink so much!
  6. soxfnnlansing 441 with Jayd, mole, & the Plebes today
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