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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by IndianaMike

  1. I was a little worried that the asshole blowing vape my way was hurting my quit. I kept thinking there was nicotine in the vape. I bring in donuts every Saturday (costs about $25). I tell them that is what I save from giving to big tobacco every week.
  2. Today, I overheard a guy I work with talking to another guy I work with. I wasn't really paying attention, but I got the sense that the one guy was asking the other guy about vaping vs dipping. I asked the guy if he was interested in quitting but he said "I love dipping! and I love smoking a few cigs a week when I'm drinking". These people are in denial. Side note: I am in a doublewide trailer 10 hrs a day with vaperheads and dippers. All I have is pity for them.
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