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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by IndianaMike

  1. Soxfnnlansing 168 days quitting dip and chew with BRO, Napa, and the 3 newbies, and not smoking with SIN today
  2. I remember sleeve back in the 80s for a 10 pack, but we called the newer 5 can packs "rolls".
  3. Soxfnnlansing 167 days w/o nicotine with the centurions and RD today
  4. Soxfnnlansing 167 days not chewing or dipping with BRO, Napa, Woosel, Kasherms, & Tiggle, and not smoking cigarettes with SIN today
  5. Soxfnnlansing 166 quitting dipping and chewing with the centurions and RD today
  6. Soxfnnlansing 166 quit dipping and chewing with BRO & Napa, and not smoking cigs with SIN today
  7. Soxfnnlansing 165 days not dipping chew with BRO & Napa, and no smoking with SIN today.
  8. soxfnnlansing 165 days quit from dip and chew with you"ll
  9. I'm sure many of us can identify with these addict behaviors but the first one made me chuckle. While cargo shorts have good pockets for a tin I thought it was extra funny that we both used napkins to try and conceal the presence (dumb ass ninja behavior). It also reminded me of how my sock became my alternative storage choice. I had my left sock pulled up so much that the hair on my legs stopped growing under the sock line. Stupid stuff and complete adict behavior. I did the socks thing with long pants. I learned that from when I was in basic training. Had to hide it from Nolaq ya know
  10. Soxfnnlansing 164 days quit and I promise not to chew or dip tobacco with BRO & Napa, or roll smokes or fags with SIN today.
  11. Soxfnnlansing 164 quit dipping and chewing with all the centurions & RD today
  12. I was just thinking about my old addict behavior. I will always be an addict but this behavior will be gone from my life: 1. I used to only wear cargo shorts whenever I "had to go somewhere in a non-friendly dipping environment" because I could store a can in the right lower pocket and cram a handful of fast food napkins on the outer side of the can to hide the round indentation protruding from my shorts. 2. I would only buy the 16 oz aluminum bottled beer (unless it was Sam Adams Octoberfest season) because they were the perfect camouflaged spitter and were spill proof. I used to use aluminum cans but it became a chore to dump out the 2-3 full spitters in the toilet every night, plus the aluminum bottles were reusable. No sense in pouring a new pop or beer in the sink just to use the can. 3. I became aware that I don't really square myself up with people when I'm talking face to face with them. I would always be talking and kind of looking to the side or down from them so the air of my exhaled speech would not hit them in the face. 4. I visit the dentist 3 times a year even though my insurance only pays for twice a year cleanings. I don't know how much cash out of pocket I've spent at the dentist over the years. 5. Hiding in the garage/basement for an hour after dinner is definitely something I can't wait to make amends of. It's like "Where's Waldo" at my house and I'm Waldo! I'm sure that you all have similar addict behaviors like these in the past. What's nice is these are all stupid things we are eliminating in our lives by standing together against nicotine. Anyone else want to share their thoughts? Click here to follow the path to Lies Addicts Tell
  13. Soxfnnlansing 163 days quit dipping with BRO & Napa, and not smoking with SIN
  14. Soxfnnlansing 163 days quit from dip and chewing with the centurions and RD
  15. Soxfnnlansing 162 days quit dip and chew with BRO, Napa, Beast, and no cigs or smokes with SIN today
  16. Soxfnnlansing 162 quit dip and chew with the centurions & RD. Welcome Lighty & BigNate.
  17. Soxfnnlansing 161 days quit from nicotine with the centurions & RD
  18. Soxfnnlansing 161 days without chew or dip with BRO & Napa, nor smokes or cigs with SIN
  19. Soxfnnlansing 160 days not dipping with the centurions & RD
  20. Soxfnnlansing 160 days w/o dip or chew with BRO & Napa.
  21. Soxfnnlansing 159 days without dip or chew with BRO & Napa, + no smokes with SIN today either
  22. Soxfnnlansing 159 days without dip and chew with the centurions & RD
  23. Soxfnnlanisng 158 days quit with BRO,Napa, & SIN today
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