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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Today I'm nearing my first 100 days of 100% Quit. I say that because I didn't get off to a good start and was dicking around with nicotine patches and spent some time in the colony to start with. I found out how serious the members are here about their Quit. Serious about quitting, serious about your commitment to the group and serious about their support of you. What I have found here has been nothing short of amazing. I'm 57 and literally had spent my entire adult life using dip. I had no idea what life was like without it. Sure, I had "quit using" a few times before, but never this long, and never permanently. I read time and again, day after day here the fundamentals of quitting from people who had been there and done that but with a twist. The secret to a life changing forever Quit is a simple promise made on a daily basis to yourself, your band of brothers here, your family, and the world. Not today, I promise I will not use. I have been involved in some crazy stuff and known some real kick ass people over my lifetime and careers. My travels and work involved adrenaline packed character building and at times gut wrenching activities. While thinking about this speech, I reflected on some of my biggest accomplishments and came to the conclusion that some of the things I hold the highest on that list are the things I haven't done and do not do. I do not lie. I do not cheat. I do not steal. I do not run away. I do not forget those who sacrifice. I do not take things for granted and now, I DO NOT DIP. Yes, I do not dip. Not today, tomorrow or ever again. To those of you on this site who choose to stand up with me and support me, I will never forget. To those who might read this who are slaves to the can, you have no idea what its really like to never have that ball and chain again. You have no idea how indentured you are or how compromised you are as an addict. LIfe is a fickle bitch. Sometimes you do everything right and it still doesn't work out. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and sometimes life is very unfair, but I assure you quitting will be one of the best things you have ever done and everything will be better every single moment you aren't using that shit. I never knew what I was missing until dip went missing. Fuck you Dip! I win.
  2. Lee's 92 with all those who support the Plebes!
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