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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Zook

  1. Bazooka - 525, congrats to all the milestone achievers
  2. Bazooka 524 I'm no spelunker...I stay away from caves.
  3. Developing Badass Quitters Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse or on The Front Porch
  4. Centurion Quit Scroll (& Legionnaires) BAD ASS QUITTERS Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit QUIT THE SHIT OUT OF THAT SHIT Spreadsheet Show some support by posting in the Plebe Quit Scroll Then, check out the shenanigans in The Centurion Club, The Front Porch or The Clubhouse
  5. Bazooka - 523 days total but quitting again today with Mole and Pawg
  6. Bazooka 522 couldn't get the image to stick via cell phone.
  7. Centurion Quit Scroll (& Legionnaires) BAD ASS QUITTERS Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit QUIT THE SHIT OUT OF THAT SHIT Spreadsheet Show some support by posting in the Plebe Quit Scroll Then, check out the shenanigans in The Centurion Club, The Front Porch or The Clubhouse
  8. Bazooka 521 days, quitting again with Mole and Pawghunter
  9. BazookaJoe 518, congrats Sap (700) and Mat849 (500)
  10. I ended up popping a doe at 100 yards with my 280. I didn't want to try an open sight shot since my eyes aren't what they used to be.
  11. BazookaJoe 517, I'm headed out on a seek and destroy mission. I'm going to seek out a fat doe and destroy her with a 4570.
  12. Bazooka 516, gettin' crazy with the cheese whiz.
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