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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Zook

  1. Bazooka - 514....as I recall they grew some babes in Arkansas
  2. That was me, he was on extra early but it just didn't ring a bell with me at the time. It won't happen again bro. I'm back to work today and will have better comms going forth.
  3. BazookaJoe 511. I'm early this time and I crammed it into the right virginal hole.
  4. Bazooka 510 I swear I posted this morning, but I guess bumping is impossible here. I hate being the caboose (not that it's a bad thing Lady G).
  5. Bazooka 509, Merry Christmas y'all and congrats to D4.
  6. Developing Badass Quitters Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse or on The Front Porch
  7. Developing Badass Quitters Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse or on The Front Porch
  8. Can't take the credit for them though. That honor goes to Schaef and Lipi.
  9. Developing Badass Quitters Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse or on The Front Porch
  10. Bazooka - 505, two favorite things women and guns
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