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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Zook

  1. Bazooka 421 text me anytime Gunner. That's what we're here for. Use us like filthy whores bro...we like it.
  2. Bazooka 418 glorious days without wintergreen breath. Congrats to Mat849 on the big Four Oh Oh.
  3. Bazooka 415, I might have gotten these confused.
  4. Bazooka 415 with Gunner and the Plebes. Congrats Dood.
  5. Bazooka 414 with Dood, Gunner, and the other Plebes
  6. Bazooka 412 with Dood, Gunner, and the other plebes. Congrats Krusty on the big 6
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