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Quitting Dip


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Everything posted by Zook

  1. Bazooka - 391...fixin to kick the tires and light the fires on the final leg of my journey to get through Dallas/Fort Worth before the interstates get too fucked up
  2. Bazooka 391 with Dood, WHGunner, and pals. Congrats on the 400 Schaef
  3. Bazooka day 390 waving one of fingers goodbye to North Dakota at around 0800.
  4. It's really cool that the A-10 is built around the gun which is bigger and much longer than a VW Beetle. The gun is so powerful that it had to be mounted at the exact balance point of the fuselage because while the 7 barrel rotary cannon is being fired the recoil causes the the plane to slow down. If the gun was mounted off center, it would cause the plane to yaw which, as a pilot, I can imagine is not something you want.
  5. B.A. Zooka 389. Trying to convince the chickens I woke up with to quit too.
  6. B.A. Zooka 389 with Dood, Gunner, and the gang.
  7. Bazooka 388 with Dood, WHGunner, and friends.
  8. Bazooka - 387...Congrats 8meds on the half a comma
  9. Developing Badass Quitters Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse or on The Front Porch
  10. Bazooka - 385, yeah, where I come from coyotes carry a $10 bounty. Kill 'em, whack their ears off, and collect $10 from the county.
  11. Bazooka - 385 with that DOOD that looks like Guy Fieri
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