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Quitting Dip

This morning

T Fizzle

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Read this, this morning and it really hit …. “We didn’t quit dipping because of a sore throat, we didn’t quit dipping because our doctor said to, and we didn’t quit dipping because our wife said we had to. We quit because we wanted to be free of addiction. Because we couldn't bear to live under the yoke of slavery to nicotine. Because we wanted to be in control of our lives. Because we wanted to live.”

I realized last night that I’ve given so much of my life and energy to something that doesn’t give a fuck about me. And I will use any fuckn excuse I can find to pop a dip in, that’s some fuckn addict shit. 
truth is I am going through a lot of major bull shit on top of quitting, but that’s no excuse to dip. The funny thing is no one is going to give a shit whether I put cancer in my mouth and decide to slowly fuckn kill myself. Everyone in my life has been cool with it. I realized I’m really on my own. I’m the only one that’s going to pull me out of this shit. 
so enough of the excuses and pitty party it’s time to fuckn commit and get to work


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3 hours ago, T_NiZzLe said:

truth is I am going through a lot of major bull shit on top of quitting

We all are. But that doesn't make any of us special. Quitting isn't a burden. Quitting is an honor. Quitting is a much better foundation for dealing with the bullshit we all face.

Get on scroll.


  • The Clap 2
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Fu Manquit - I don’t understand how this stuff works, so I just post shit in my intro or what? All I want to do is fuck’n quit dipping, if I’m supposed to post daily then cool. IDK what the fuck I’m supposed to do here. Anyway thanks for the positive feedback.

ZUES -  Ya no shit. I don’t give a fuck if you don’t care about what I have to say, but I do so I’m gonna fuck’n say it. If you don’t like it deal with it. 

  • 'Murica 1
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53 minutes ago, T_NiZzLe said:

ZUES -  Ya no shit. I don’t give a fuck if you don’t care about what I have to say, but I do so I’m gonna fuck’n say it. If you don’t like it deal with it. 

You don't have very good reading comprehension or the ability to follow simple instructions, but please continue with your perceived persecution. You had some defeatism in your attitude like many new dudes coming here. It's good to see you can talk some shit, but talk is cheap. Now let's see you back it up by kicking dip to the curb and getting on today's scroll. 

  • The Clap 1
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4 minutes ago, T_NiZzLe said:

So all I do is go to a plebe scroll and post a number. Sounds cool 


Like Zeus said. But I'll add... your post is your promise to be quit. Wake up tomorrow and do the same thing after your morning piss. Rinse and repeat. 

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1 hour ago, Batdad said:

Like Zeus said. But I'll add... your post is your promise to be quit. Wake up tomorrow and do the same thing after your morning piss. Rinse and repeat. 

Wait, y’all Piss before posting scroll?  Pussies!

  • Q for Quit 3
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1 hour ago, T_NiZzLe said:

So all I do is go to a plebe scroll and post a number. Sounds cool 


That covers scroll, yes.

What you posted here earlier is great. Post it in your intro.

3 hours ago, Sand said:

I like this guy 

Would have been fun a few years ago. I think I’m getting old.

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