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Quitting Dip

Archived Centurion Quit Scrolls 2015-2016


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Centurion Quit Scroll


Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 17, 2015

Today is the 3.4572814th Gordon of 2015


If you're quitting dip, put your name here

Sluggo 390 Welcome, Kobe!

Soxfnnlansing 169 quit dipping and chewing with the centurions and RD today

Spartan 787

Sajax - 148

rothstein57 - 374

BK1 - 386 - wanna quit? You're in the right place.

RD, 1841- I think maybe we should get a widget.

Shorthorn 392 agree with RD^^^... midgets make me feel taller.

Bazooka 198

Grady 301 ODAAMFT

Golf - 436 - I'm quit with Steak & Starr

xct84 - 370

THUNDERDICK -364. Felt like yelling on roll today.

8meds - 311 days of quitting dip, freedom ... I like it.

Hubie337 - 190

Lighty 276 and icy but no nic today


Steak 433 with all you rejects

Grizclaws 475

Schaef 207

Mat849 - 180

Pope 376 - iced in with the wife...all day...

NMCB 134 Not today, Nic Cage

dlong 385 - 6 inches of snow = no school, no work, and no dip today

Jax - 897 - I am quit with all of you badass quitters today!

Done4Me 289

sap 380

AJK 149

Thumblewort - 320

TheFiz 363 quitting dip with you mofos

Doc 377

Kayakdude Day 371

Lipi 392 quitting dip with the big sticks

Braves360 - 319 - Kinda feels more like Monday today than yesterday.

McDeere 391

Napa - 68 That's when the magic happens Pope

JTBrown - 303

Prof - 171 - Cabin Fever eminent - Need spring now

Eagles fan-393 with QD

agh2o - 372 quit with QD

Biggie- 373

texagmd 364

336 quit (ECD)

Lady G 416 - not today


KO - 404 I will not use today, you've got my word

Starr 434 Quit with QD

KobeJr - 102  Posted with the Plebes until I got approval for Centurion.  Quit EDD


zq1 - 326 - quit another day with mayhem

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Welcome KobeJr.  I invite you to read the codex and also understand that we don't automatically promote somebody to centurion just because they are day 100 here.  We respect your day count, but if you read this link, you will see that if a member joins from another board with more than 100 days, then we vote on their centurion status.


That said, if you're a solid quitter at KTC, then the vote will probably be pretty smooth.  I'll set up the poll in a couple minutes.

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