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Quitting Dip

Archived Centurion Quit Scrolls 2015-2016


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914 days quit - I thought that the optimistic attitude might do well for the storm track, alas that is not the case.  It appears that we are going to get a pretty good hit from this storm.  It is currently projected to stay about 100 miles offshore but that does very little in the overall picture.  We are still likely to get 100+ mph winds, torrential downpours, massive power outages, you know the fun stuff.  Add to that the fact that I have no less than 50-100 bodies to worry about and it's going to be a fun weekend for me.  Being the GM of a hotel is fun, until you have to try to sleep at night thinking you might've forgot something in your emergency plan and someone's life could be at stake because of it.  But I digress, we have 72 hours or so before it'll be in Jax, so there is still time for positive things to happen, pray for the folks in Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, and the entire Bahamas island chain.  They are getting one heck of a hit and the Haitian people are some of the poorest in the northern hemisphere.   They are expecting mass casualties and saw about 1,000 people die the last time a storm of this magnitude came through.   There is a fear that most folks don't even know that a storm is coming because they don't have things like phones, radios, and televisions.  I'm not sure which is worse, knowing it's coming and not knowing the best way to prepare, or not knowing that today/tomorrow may be your last day on this planet.  It's a heavy morning in my head, y'all have a great quit day and let me know if there's anything I can do for you.  Stay thirsty my friends. 

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3 hours ago, Lady G said:

Lady G 1011 quit with my favorite "we aren't drama crowd"....

Not sure what you mean by this, but since it's in quotations, I'll take it as sarcasm. You are more than welcome to quit with the silent majority at the other places if you don't like accountability. Please. You don't add a anything here. Why stay?

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