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Quitting Dip

Archived Centurion Quit Scrolls 2015-2016


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Napa - 191 Been raining since February here Kobe. If you can find a shut off valve, let me know

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Jax - 1,019 - Missed yesterday.  Sorry bout that.  Good day but fucked up busy and honestly never thought about dip, nicotine, or anything besides my moderately crazy world.  Talked to a security guard at one of my customers on Wednesday afternoon.  He threw a three finger lipper in as I was signing in.  He just finished lunch so I'm assuming it was the perfect time to pack some poison. On the way out I asked him if he ever thought about quitting and handed him a KTC business card that me and a few others had made when we first started.  I told him what day I was on and that I was a 25-year dipper, can a day for the last 5 years and now sit just short of 3-years clean.  He said that his girlfriend is quitting smoking and is on chantix (sp?) so he doesn't want both of them to be angry at the same time.  An addicts mind always works the same.  So logical!  What a caring and giving dude.  LMAO!  I wrapped it up with, "You have to be ready to quit.  You have to hate it and want to be free from it more than anything or you'll find a reason to use it."  He agreed and I moved on.  The reason I tell that story is to say that I am so fucking happy to be quit.  I'm happy that all of you are quit with me and take great pride in knowing that all of you are here for me if I need you.  Have a great Friday.  I have a couple hours work then it's US Open time.   

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