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Quitting Dip

Archived Centurion Quit Scrolls 2015-2016


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Qash-354 - Epic fail- No phone, No internet, No contacts- Called Verizon -unable to provide contact #'s.Really?? ..therefore could not utilize text network --- I Fail.

Need to revisit my back-up strategy--- LATE- but no Nic

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Project Mayhem: Not Dead, Just Quit

Centurion Quit Scroll


January 23, 2015

Today is the 1.639825th Gordon of 2015


Quitters, click “Reply to this Topic”, and you will subsequently be added to roll

Lipi 367

Schaef 182

Soxfnnlansing 144 quit with centurions

Sluggo 365 w/Mitch on his first of many laps around the sun nicotine-free!

Spartan 761  congrats Sluggo

Sap 355 with sluggo and mitch.

Blissful - 361 - CONGRATS SLUBS & MITCHY!! 

Grizclaws 450 congrats on the year brothers. Way to be!

Sajax - 123 congratulations Slug.go and mitchy

RD, 1816- After a year passes the first time something happens without dip events dwindle to almost nothing

NMCB 109

deerman - 150 - half way through the year.... if the year had 300 days that is.

BazookaJoe day 173, congrats on the year to Mitch and Slug.

Dlong 360 congrats to slugs and TW.

Shorthorn 367

Dirty Randy - 349 with all my bros

Texagmd- 339

xct84 - 345

Pope 351 with slug and MM on their trip around the sun!!

Eagles fan-368 congrats Slug and Mitch on one year of kicking ass and taking names!

Mat849 - 155

Grady 275 Congrats to Slug and Mitch on the 365.

8meds - 286 - Congrats Slug.go & Mitch on the Revolution!

Steak 408 with Slug and Mitch, hell F'n yea!

AJK 124 with the amazing Slug and Mitch. Atta-boys!

Thumblewort - 295 gratz to the yearlings!

Jax - 872 - Congrats to Sluggo and Mitch on one year of freedom.  Great work, boys!  I'm quit with y'all all day today.

Roy 166 with Project Mayhem

Nuke - 386 -- Way to go Slug!!!!

Bigdilg- 348

JTBrown - 278 with the 365's!

ThunderDong - 339 with The Slugginator.  Left off a shoutout to Mitch - sorry man, lost in the shuffle of an early morning post.  Nice work on the lap!


Braves360 295 on this beautiful 70 degree quit Friday morning!!


Golf - Posting a +1 with Slug & Mitch! Congrats on 1 full trip without that bitch!

ECD 311 congrats on the full revolution Slugg!

Djhuft - 164 - Congrats Slug & Mitch

hefiz 338. Congrats mitch and slug

Doc 352 Congrats Slug & M2

Prof - 146 with all you crazy quitters.

365 with my main man slug, even though I think this is probably 366, as it is the second January 23rd of our quit.  Fuck it, I will do the extra day so long as I am quit. 

Kayakdude 346...Congrats Slug and Mitch...

agh2o - 347 congrats slug and mitch

Napa - 43  Congrats on the Lap Mitch and Slug

Qash-355 Congrats Slug - Mitch....Lipi, digging the daily Banners and correlation to Plebe-- Well Done

KO - 379


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