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Quitting Dip

Archived Centurion Quit Scrolls 2015-2016


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Just for the search bots:


Sap 362 - I quit dipping 362 days ago.  I am so glad that I am tobacco free.  I can't believe how much better I feel being free from the slavery of nicotine.  It was the best decision of my life to toss the can and live a life without feeding my addiction.  I am so glad that chew doesn't control my life anymore.  Fuck Altria.

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Centurion Quit Scroll

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit




January 30, 2015

Today is the 2.146283nd Gordon of 2015


Badasses Quitting Dip Again Today


Lipi 375- Quitting chew with all my bros today

Grizclaws 458 butterbean!

Blissful - 369 - Fighting nicotine addiction with everyone here 

Soxfnnlansing 152 quitting dip with all the centurions today

Sajax - 131 with butterbean.

Dirty Randy - 357 quitting chew with my brothers


Thunderdick - 347 with Mr. Wilson and the Butterbean nicotine beatdown today

BazookaJoe 181 congrats to all you quitters that are making the full trip around the sun. You give quitters at the halfway point the power to persevere.

Jax - 880 - Like BJ said, Congrats to all of you hitting your Quit B-Day.  That is an awesome accomplishment.  Sorry I missed yesterday.  Crazy day of work and an the HS State Cheer finals.  Love me some crazy cheer moms.    

Shorthorn 375

Qash-363- Lipi w/ TKO

NMCB 117

8meds - 294 - I choose quitting dip!

Pope - quitting dip for 359 days with you assholes and loving every minute of it

Djhuft - 172

Grady 284 Why is dude yelling?

Roy 174 - sure smells like quit over here

AJK 132 entire days of quit

Sap 363

Thumblewort - 303 gonna be around 2 dippers today, lets see if they talk to me

Mat849 - 163

Steak 416 QLFEDD

xct84 - 353

Schaef 190 quitting dip all day with mrwilson

agh2o - 355 all day Congrats Wilson

Slug.go 373 w/ButterBean

Doc 360 Congrats to the "newbie" Wilson for the first lap quit!

Eagles fan 376 congrats and welcome Mr. Wilson!


ECD 319 quit

Napa - 51 Quit with Lipibean. Hey Mr Willlllsooon....Nice Lap

McDeere 373

bigdilg- 356 no dip today


Golf 419 today

JTBrown - 286

TheFiz- 346. Nice work MR W

Nuke - 394

Kayakdude 354

texagmd 347

KO 387

Spartan 770

dlong 368

RD, 1825

Done4Me 271 Inflating those balls

Prof - 154 - light at the end of the tunnel?

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