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Quitting Dip

Archived Centurion Quit Scrolls 2015-2016


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Golf - 420 days quit. My 30th Gordon.....playing in a super bowl tournament today with 2 smokers & a dipper..... I've got the Hooch rolling. Feels good to be a quit son of a bitch with QD

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Centurion Quit Scroll

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 2, 2015

Today is the 2.146283nd Gordon of 2015


Badasses Quitting Dip Again Today

Shorthorn 377

BazookaJoe 183

Mat849 - 165

Sap 365

Dlong 370

Eagles -378

xct84 - 355

Kayakdude 356

Pope 361

8meds - 296 - quitting today

Thumblewort - 305 and woke up throwing up, lovely.

Grizclaws 460

NMCB 119

Golf - 421

Roy 176

Texagmd- 348

AJK 134

agh2o - 357

ECD 321

JTBrown - 288

Steak 418 QLF

Grady 286 ODAAFT

Doc 362

Lipi 377- quitting dip with my bros

Blissful - 371 - CONGRATS SAP, QASH & RD!!!

McDeere 376

TheFiz- Day 348

Napa - 53 Quit today with the Hundos

soxfnnlansing 154 w/o nicotine with you all today

Bigdilg- 358 no nic today

Schaef 192

Prof - 156 - feeling pretty good.

Sluggo 375 CONGRATS ON 365, SAP and QASH!!


KO - 389 - big day Ammqash, looking forward to celebrating. Congratulations buddy.

Braves360 - 304 man I guarantee you someone bought the Patriots win last night.

Done4Me 274 quitting all day

Thunderdick-348 with Qash and SAP on a big one today!

RD, 5 years

Qash-365 Congrats RD on 5th "Lap"

Sajax - 133

Djhuft - 174 Sorry for late post.  Tough day working on the AOP all day.

Nuke - 397

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