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Archived Centurion Quit Scrolls 2015-2016


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Bazooka - 486. Lipi is right, there should be more than 15 or so replies in the Plebe scroll.  Posting there not only grants us more accountability but shows the Plebes that we give a fuck.  Post away.

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17 hours ago, braves360 said:

Braves360 - 606 - There has been a temporary truce called in the Mother-In-Law/Wife fight.  Apparently they were both too battered and bruised to continue fighting.  Everyone stock up on beer and pizza now because when it gets started again it'll sure to be a great second half. 

This wouldn't be one of those topless pillow fights, would it? Boobies fwapping around and whatnot? You're aware you can post video in here, right?

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BKB - 674 - Officially done with day four (of ten) of The Dark Period, i.e., playing Mr Mom while conducting a royal shit show at work.  Good news is I haven't flushed the master bath toilet since Saturday (#1 only), and have been taking Navy showers when it's 50 degrees in the house, all in an effort to keep Jerry Brown's Water Gestapo off my ass. I'd like a fucking certificate of aqueous achievement, please. 

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Woosel 322. Navy Showers???  If that is the same as taking a shower with all you fags, then count me in. However the cold water will majorly affect my pee pee size. Quit today.

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