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Archived Centurion Quit Scrolls 2015-2016


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3 hours ago, zacharynelson23 said:

I'm sorry. When my schedule changes, I get flustered. It honestly slipped my mind. I feel horrible every time. I shouldn't need a reminder, but it appears I do every now and then.

Don't be sorry, be quit. I need reminders occasionally too. Just don't make a habit of it, and try and reduce the salt content of your responses to people calling you out. 

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I understand. I apologize for being salty. Being quit is super important to me, this brotherhood is super important to me. I know I keep promising to be more involved and I always disappoint. I honestly respect you guys and the commitment and accountability that you represent. If I ever deter you from being superior in your quit, please ask me to leave. Your quit is as important as mine. I am quit for me and out of respect for you. I let me down all the time, the burden of letting you down is heavy. Posting late and not actively participating in threads lets you down and affects this community. I don't post late often, but much more often than i ever should. I am not complacent in my quit. I wish you could ask those I physically encounter about my zeal for quit. I hate excuses as much as anyone here, and I have none to communicate. I have as much going on in my life as I'm sure you and your family do. I know that in the future I will wake up with the rush of morning, the late alarm buzzing, and completely forget to post my confident promise. The worst feeling ever... I feel like those days tarnish my quit, but not for a second do I feel like walking away or going to another group of quitters. I know that you guys know how to quit, if I'm to be called a HAQ, well being half a quitter here is a hell a lot better than being a whole quitter anywhere else. Though I hope the future holds a different title. Nevertheless, today I quit with you all.

Edited by zacharynelson23
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As many of you may know, there has been severe flooding in the Houston area. I lost Internet yesterday morning at the house. I was so pissed/busy trying to get that fixed I flaked and didn't post. On my 800 day. Geez, I am an idiot. Begging forgiveness. 

xct84 - 800 and 801.  Ever an addict. Ever an idiot 

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