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Quitting Dip

Archived Centurion Quit Scrolls 2015-2016


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4 minutes ago, schaef said:

Schaef 641 the only way to quit chewing

Doubling down today bud?  I like it.


8meds - 745 - I come here to quit ... the tits and ass pictures are just a bonus.

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Schaef 641 quitting is as hard as you make it

16 minutes ago, 8meds said:

Doubling down today bud?  I like it.


8meds - 745 - I come here to quit ... the tits and ass pictures are just a bonus.

This is number 4. I'm quit as they come, but I am trying to improve.

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Woosel 469 why would people form the other place start texting me now, the same ass holes that got me banned in the first place. I don't need them!! I need QD.

Edited by woosel
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