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Quitting Dip

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2 minutes ago, Bottomedout said:

I hate this!

You got this man.  We are all quitting with you.  Do you have any substitutes like seeds, candy - fake dip?  You can get Smokey Mountain at most Wal-Marrts.  Just hang tough.  I know you are tired of nicotine running your life.  Every decision I made was based on when/where I could get my next nicotine fix.  I am so glad to be rid of it.

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Pre 573. Posting again in here with BottomedOut. I remember my first few days quit. Withdrawal sucks. Know that it gets better with each day, dude. 

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No I don't . When I quit drinking 5 years ago I got a lecture on not using substitutes, i. e. Odoules. I just have to quit. This is harder. I realize now how much my addiction is running my life.

i guess I'm just bitching. Thanks for responding.

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And sorry for being later than normal. Even though I slept in, I still didn't jump on the site first thing, which is a shitty way to quit. 


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3 hours ago, texagmd said:

And sorry for being later than normal. Even though I slept in, I still didn't jump on the site first thing, which is a shitty way to quit. 


It's also something you "promised" wouldn't happen anymore.  You're more active, but not there yet.  Is it because of leopard spots?  With your history, shit like this = giant steps backwards.  Stop taking steps in any direction but forwards.

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2 hours ago, 8meds said:

It's also something you "promised" wouldn't happen anymore.  You're more active, but not there yet.  Is it because of leopard spots?  With your history, shit like this = giant steps backwards.  Stop taking steps in any direction but forwards.

Yeah. It's fucking shitty. It just sucks that anything other than forward steps are being taken. I get proud of my progress and consistency but then I screw up. 

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22 minutes ago, BreakawY61 said:

Breakawy61 day 3 proud of myself guys.  Went to a ball game last night had the craves but kicked it to the side.  One day at a time

Nice win Bro ... proud of you myself!

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