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Day 3...my bottom lip is started turning its normal color .  I got this  !  Longest stoppage in 25 years. Thanks to my compadres for a word.. though . And some wisdom.. ha. My nickname was spitty ... need a new one

Edited by Phillipshadenoughcope
MIs spelling
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7 hours ago, Phillipshadenoughcope said:

Day 3...my bottom lip is started turning its normal color .  I got this  !  Longest stoppage in 25 years. Thanks to my compadres for a word.. though . And some wisdom.. ha. My nickname was spitty ... need a new one

Same for alot of us Phil. I went 20 plus years feeding my excuses.

The language we use says alot about who we are. If this is yet another stoppage you will fail. If you are done making excuses then you are quit.

This is why we ask you to set up an intro. These conversations need to happen on your intro.

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Day 5 ...went fishing yesterday it was the hardest day yet ! But between blowpops and good fish action I completed day 5 ... moving on to football Sunday !

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