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Quitting Dip


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I'm sitting here looking for a way to pass on some quitdom. Here is my two cents for anyone. Consider your quit. Don't quit for anyone. Don't quit for your health. Don't quit for loved ones. Quit. It's really simple. Nicotine doesn't want you to quit. Everyone doesn't care if you quit. The only thing stopping you is you. I have been battling for a sort while. There are things I need to improve on. I found a simple easy way to help me quit and make a few dollars at the same time. When I decided to quit. I decided for me. I was tired of being a slave shackled by nicotine. Not any more. I broke free and now I promise every day to not dip. I found wood working. It is an easy way to kill time and kill cravings. If the cravings are bad enough just slam a hammer on your finger. I promise you will forget about dip at least for a while. Do y'all have any hobbies or fillers to help get your mind off of dip? If so let me know! Keep quit stay quit kick dip

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