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Quitting Dip

11-02-2017 Plebe Quit Scroll


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Developing Badass Quitters


Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit

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Edited by 8meds
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Matt m day 2

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3 minutes ago, zacharynelson23 said:

Zachary 1061. Just waking. “One thing I can tell you is you got to be free.”

What time did you go to bed?

Others in shoes similar to yours (night shift) actually post for the day BEFORE they drop ... assuming it's the next day already.  Then they come back later and post again, for good measure.

In reality, these same quitters never slinked away like a pussy ... so I guess they're different shoes altogether.  The point remains, you need to do things differently.  We know how things worked out for you when you did them the same.  Flip this shit ... you're last in.

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Matt m 3 days 

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Matt m 3

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