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Hatdave. 7 dip free days, not going back. Thanks

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Welcome, I'm new here also, been 8 days after 35 years. These guys will get you where you need to be if your ready to listen and follow. 

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Thanks. I'm not gonna lie, I've tried several times with little success. I don't even like dipping, it's purely habit....having something there in my cheek....anyway, there has to be a day one and maybe discussing things and shooting the shit with people that are going through the same will make it just a little easier. 

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6 minutes ago, Shane said:

Thanks. I'm not gonna lie, I've tried several times with little success. I don't even like dipping, it's purely habit....having something there in my cheek....anyway, there has to be a day one and maybe discussing things and shooting the shit with people that are going through the same will make it just a little easier. 

Welcome Shane. You've come to the right place. I dipped for 22 years. "Tried" to quit more times than I can count. It wasn't a habit, it's an addiction. We make a promise here first thing every morning to not dip for that day. We've all been where you're at. Settle in, the first 3 days is the nicotine leaving your body. Also - this is a nicotine free site. 

Congrats on a great decision


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It will take some time to learn how to navigate site. I use my phone totally except found that had to use computer to set up avatar. Reading the info and stories are a big help to me. Takes my mind off putting a dip, hearing the stories and how to deal with cravings over next couple days really helped. If it wasn't for these guys I wouldn't have made it this far and being able to beat this. Post every morning and mean it. We'll make it together!!

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Quitting all day like the bad ass Dirty Harry with Shane and all the plebes

Edited by Hatdave
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3 minutes ago, Sam T Skullerich said:

Sam T Skullerich 1

Probably the 100th time I've tried to quit in the past 6 years, but never used a forum like this. At this point, I've tried about every method except an accountability method. I've never told any friends or family members about my habit so my quits have always been a solo venture, which can be a scary proposition. Looking forward to showing support for others and also receiving the support I so badly need from the folks here.

Let's kick this bastard in the teeth. 

Welcome, Sam.  This quit will be your last, if you have the testicular fortitude to make it happen.  Just an FYI ... no nicotine, in any of it's forms is allowed.  That is the poison.  Great decision to join up, where did you learn about "the accountability method"?

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