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Developing Badass Quitters

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 19, 2015

New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic--> http://www.quittingd...-introductions/

And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse --> http://www.quittingdip.com/index.php/forum/8-the-clubhouse/

New Quitters and Support

Schaef 209 with Los Plebes, hope you like the pic...it will be here for a while.

Soxfnnlansing 171 days quit dipping and chewing wintergreen grizzly with BRO & Napa, and quit smoking Newport cigarettes with SIN today

Sinner 30 :) with Napa and Bro

SIN, maybe you can talk to Napa about an upcoming trip with his dipping and smoking buddies he has coming up.  I know you just went through the same thing on the slopes

BK1 - 388 + a massive head cold

Bazooka 200 with BRO, Napalm, and Sinner

Shorthorn 394 with BRO, Napa, and Sin

Lipi 394 Quitting dip again today with los plebes

KobeJr 104 - Quitting w/ Los Plebes

8meds - 313 - quitting dip with Bro, Napa & Sin EDD

Steak 435 - with the Plebes, you guys are solid

Eagles fan-395 with bronapasin

Doc 379

Sluggo 392 w/these quitters all day!

BRO 73 WITH Napa and sin

agh2o - 374 with the plebes in here

Thumblewort - 322

Napa - Half a HOG Day with Bro and Sin

McDeere 393

rothstein57 - 376 with the Plebes
Biggie- 375 with the plebes
Qash-382 w/ Plebes
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Plebe Quit Scroll

Developing Badass Quitters

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 20, 2015

New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic--> http://www.quittingd...-introductions/

And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse --> http://www.quittingd...-the-clubhouse/

New Quitters and Support

BK1 - 389 - TGIMFF. w/ Broseph, Napster & Sinsinnati.

rothstein57 - 377 with my brethren Plebes.

Soxfnnlansing 172 days quit dipping and chewing tobacco with BRO & Napa, and not smoking camel lights with SIN today either, I promise

Shorthorn 395 w/ Bro, Napa, & Sin

Bazooka 201 with Bro, Napa, and Sin

Grady 304

Thefiz 366. No nic with with the plebes

Steak 436 with the plebes

8meds - 314 - with BRO, Napa & Sin EDD

Eagles-396 con bronspasin

KobeJr 104 - Stay Strong, No Nic-Not Now-Not Today


Schaef 15G

Sap 383, with the plebes.

Thunderdick - 367, quitting with Plebes all day long, EDD.

Kayakdude Day 374 with my brothers

Sluggo 393 with all our nic-free plebes

agh2o - 375 with all the plebes

Lip 395 with the plebes

McDeere 394

Napa - 71 Quit smoking with Sin and quit dipping with Bro All day

Doc 380

Biggie- 376 with Bro and Napa

Qash-383 W/ Plebes

kasherms day 47. Thank you everyone.

Woooooooosel day 37



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Plebe Quit Scroll

Developing Badass Quitters

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 21, 2015

New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic--> http://www.quittingd...-introductions/

And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse --> http://www.quittingd...-the-clubhouse/

New Quitters and Support

Schaef 211 with all the plebes

Sinner 32 with Bro and Napa

Soxfnnlansing 173

Lipi 396 quitting dip with Bro, Napa, and Sin

NMCB 138 with S B N HARD

BK1 - 390 w/ Broseph, Napster & Sinsinnati

RD, 1846- I will walk hard.

Bazooka 202 with Bro, Napa, and Sin

rothstein57 - 378 with the Plebes

Thunderdrippings - 368 with the Plebes and Vets that are here to save their lives.

Woosel - day 38 glad to be back quitting with you.

Napa - 72 Quit smoking with Sin and quit dipping with Bro ( and Kash & Woose )

8meds - 315 - with my daily intake of BroNapaSin.

Doc 381

Shorthorn 396 w/ Bro, Napa, & Sin

Thumblewort - 324

BRo 75 via text

Steak 437

KobeJr 106 - quitting dip with Bro, Napa, and Sin

Sluggo 394 Where was Sin yesterday?

McDeere 395

kasherms 48.  Good to be here.

Qash-384 w/ the Plebes---Quit on
Eagles fan-397 quit with the plebes!
Hubie337 - 194 with the plebes
agh2o - 376 with the plebes
Biggie-377 with the plebes
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Plebe Quit Scroll

Developing Badass Quitters

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 22, 2015

New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic--> http://www.quittingd...-introductions/

And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse --> http://www.quittingd...-the-clubhouse/

New Quitters and Support

Woosel - day 39 quit.

Shorthorn 397 quit again today with the Plebes

rothstein57 - 379 with the Plebes

Sinner 33 with Napa Bro and Kobe

kasherms day 49 I quit with you

Grady 306 with BNS

Steak 438 with BRO and Napa

Schaef 212

Napa 73 Quit smoking with Sin and quit dipping with Bro. (And Kash & Woose )

Bazooka 203 with Bro, Napalm, and Sinners

8meds - 316 - with Bro, Napa & Sin EDD.

Soxfnnlansing 174 days not dipping or chewing tobacco with BRO, Napa, the two squirrels on probation, and not smoking cigarettes with SIN today

Thunderdick - 369

Done4Me 294 with you freaks

KobeJr 107 - keep up the great Quit

Eagles fan-398 with bronapasinkobe

Doc 383


Sluggo 395 w/these miscreants

agh2o - 377

Lipi 397 quitting dip today with bronapasin and the tweedles

BK1 - 391 w/ the plebes

McDeere 396

Qash-385 w/ the Plebes---Quit On


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Plebe Quit Scroll

Developing Badass Quitters

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 23, 2015

New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic--> http://www.quittingd...-introductions/

And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse --> http://www.quittingd...-the-clubhouse/

New Quitters and Support

Schaef 213 quitting dip with Sin, Napa, BRO, kash, and woosel

Soxfnnlansing 175 quit chewing and dipping tobacco with BRO, Napa, both probates, and not smoking fags with SIN today

BK1 - 393 - w/ the plebes, new and old

rothstein57 - 380 with the Plebes

Kasherms day 50

Thunderdick - 370 with the Plebes today

Shorthorn 397 - Quit with the Plebes

Bazooka 204 with Bro, Napa, Sin, and them other two.

Eagles fan-399 quit with the plebes

Sinner 34 w Napa Bro and Kash

Steak 439 with BRO and NAPA

8meds - 317 - EDD with Bro, Napa & Sin

Doc 384

Grady 307 with BNS

BRO 77 with Napa sin sherms and woosel

Done4Me 295

Sluggo 396 w/Bro, Sin and Nappy

Kayakdude 377

agh2o - 378 quit with the plebes

KobeJr 108 = Quit w/ the Plebes

McDeere 397

Mat849 - 186

Woosel Day 40 none today

Lipi 397 quitting dip with plebes

Qash-386 w/ Plebes

Bigdilg- 379 with the plebes

NMCB 140 w Sin BRO Napa Kash Woos

Napa - 74 Quit with Sin, Bro, Woose, & Kasherms
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