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Quitting Dip

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Plebe Quit Scroll

Developing Badass Quitters

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 24, 2015


Plebe Spreadsheet  - Keepers: BRO24 & Sin



New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic--> http://www.quittingd...-introductions/

And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse --> http://www.quittingd...-the-clubhouse/

New Quitters and Support


BK1 - 393 - w/ Plebeville

BRO 78 WITH NAPA,SIN,sherms and woosel

Soxfnnlansing - 176 days quit.  I promise you Plebes I will not use nicotine in any form today, and expect the same from you.

Kasherms day 51 with woos, bro, Napa, lipi, shaef and sap.

rothstein57 - 381 with the Plebes

Hubie337 - 197 with the young ones

Shorthorn 399 w/ all you whipper snappers!

Bazooka 205 with the Jackson 5

Schaef 214 with Los Plebes!

Eagles -400 with the plebes

8meds - 318 - with that ^^^ BAQ, BRO, Napa & Sin

Steak 440 w/ BRO and NAPA

KobeJr 109 w/ Bro, Woosel, Kasherms

Sinner 35 with Bro and Napa

Mat849 - 187

Doc 384

Done4Me 296 with the new quitters

Woosel - day 41 none today

Napa 75 still hungover, still quit

Lipi 399 quitting nicotine with all the plebes

agh2o - 379 quit with the plebes

McDeere 398 w the plebes

Thunderdick - 371

Sluggo 397 w/all the freshness in here

Thumblewort - 327

Qash-387 w/ Plebes

Biggie- 380 with bro

Golf - 443 - With the Plebes

JK Rank C1 reporting for support duty to the Plebes. Keep-on-a-rockin.

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Plebe Quit Scroll

Developing Badass Quitters

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 26, 2015

Plebe SpreadsheetKeepers: Sin & BRO24

New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic--> http://www.quittingd...-introductions/

And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse --> http://www.quittingd...-the-clubhouse/

New Quitters and Support

Woosel 43 Quit

NMCB with Woos 143

rothstein57 - 383 with the Plebes

Bazooka 207 with Bro, Napa, Sin, Klash, and Weasel

Shorthorn - 401 So proud of Bro, Napa, Sin, Klash, and little Woo-woo... You guys are killing it!

Soxfnnlansing 178 days I have not, nor will I chew or dip with BRO, Napa, Wools & Sherm, or smoke with SIN today

ThunderDick - 373 with the Plebes, great and small

Done4Me 297 with the plebes, need some fresh quits in here.

Steak 442

8meds - 320 - with BRO, Napa & Sin EDD

KobeJr 111 Quit w/ the Plebes

Eagles 402 with the plebes

agh2o - 381 with the plebe quit

Doc 386

Mat849 - 189

Sinner 37 w Bro and Napa

schaef 216 with ^^ badass plebe!

Thumblewort - 329


Kasherms 53. I am thankful for you all

Prof - 180 with Sin

BK1 - 395 w/ the plebes

Kayakdude Day 380

Napa - 77 Quit smoking with Sinnister, Quit dipping with Bro, kash and woose

McDeere 400

Bigdilg- 382

Lighty 285 with the plebeians

Lady G 425







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Plebe Quit Scroll

Developing Badass Quitters

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 27, 2015

Plebe Spreadsheet

New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic--> http://www.quittingd...-introductions/

And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse --> http://www.quittingd...-the-clubhouse/

New Quitters and Support

Woosel - day 44

NMCB 144 Welcome to a brand new day, of quit.

Qash-390 w/ Plebes

BK1 - 396 w/ the plebes

Dirty Randall - 384 with the Plebes

Soxfnnlansing 179 days not dipping or chewing with BRO, Napa, Wools & Kerm, or smoking with SIN today

Bazooka 208 with the Plebeians

Mat849 - 190

Eagles 403 with the plebes

8meds - 321 - quittingdip EDD with BRO, Napa & Sin

Steak 443 with BRO and NAPA

Sinner 38 with Bro and Napa

Shorthorn 402 w/ Bro, Napa, Sin, Rev, and Woo Woo

Schaef 216 supporting the Plebes in their quest quitting dip

KobeJr 112 Quit EDD w/ BRO, Napa, Wools & Kerm


kasherms 54

agh2o -382 with the plebes

Doc 387

Done4Me 299

Napa - 78 Quit smoking with Sin and quit dipping with Bro, kash and woose

McDeere - 401, 400 in the books.

Lipi 402 quitting chew with the youngins

Lighty 286 quit with the plebeians


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Plebe Quit Scroll

Developing Badass Quitters

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 28, 2015

Plebe Spreadsheet

New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic--> http://www.quittingd...-introductions/

And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse --> http://www.quittingd...-the-clubhouse/

New Quitters and Support

Dirty Randy - 385 with the Plebes

BK1 - 397 con los Plebes

Kasherms 55

Soxfnnlansing 180 days not chewing or dipping tobacco with BRO, Napa, Wools & Sherm, and not smoking with SIN today

Shorthorn 403 w/ my Plebe brothers

Bazooka 209 with the Plebes

Done4Me 300

Schaef 217

Lighty 287 with the plebeians

KobeJr 113 Quit w/ Plebes

Doc 388

Steak 444

Thumblewort - 331 - I support you


Mat849 - 191

NMCB 145 w NapBROSin Kash Woos

Thefiz 374 with all the plebes

8meds - 322 - quittingdip with BRO, Napa & Sin EDD

agh2o - 383 quit with all the plebes

Sinner 39 with Bro and Napa

Woosel - Day 45

McDeere 402

Napa - 79 Quit smoking with Sinner, Quit dipping with BRO, Kash, and Woose

Eagles fan-404 with the plebes

Lipi 403 days since I quit dipping

Qash-391 w/ Plebes





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Plebe Quit Scroll

Developing Badass Quitters

Chewing Tobacco Quit : Quitting Dip : Cold Turkey Quit


Feb 25, 2015


Plebe Spreadsheet  - Keepers: BRO24 & Sin



New quitters, post in this thread, then start an intro by starting a new topic--> http://www.quittingd...-introductions/

And there's always something to talk about in the Clubhouse --> http://www.quittingd...-the-clubhouse/

New Quitters and Support

rothstein57 - 382 with the Plebes

Woosel - day 42 I'm quit so nic cage can leave me the hell alone.

BK1 - 394 w/ land o' plebes

Thunder - 372 with the Plebes today

Bazooka 206 with Bro, Napa, Sin, Kabash and Weasel.

Soxfnnlansing day 177 not chewing or dipping with BRO,Napa,Wools&Sherm, and not smoking with SIN today

Shorthorn - 400 with all my dip free friends

Schaef 215 quitting dip with BRO, napa, and quitting smokes with Sin

8meds - 319 - with my daily dose of BroNapaSin.

Eagles fan -401 with the plebes every day

Steak 441

Sinner 36 with Bro and Napa

Grady 309 with BNS

Doc 385

Kasherms 52

Done4Me 297 with the soon to be increasing quantity of fresh quits

Mat849 - 188

Lighty 284 with the plebeians

Kayakdude 379

Napa -76 Quit smoking with Sin, Quit dipping with Bro, kash and woose

Sluggo 398 w/the fresh quit

BRO 79 with napa, sin,woos,sherms

Lipi 400 days ago I quit dipping. Today I quit with the plebes

KobeJr 110 Quitting w/ Bro & Napa

McDeere 399

agh2o - 380

Qash-388 w/ Plebesr





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