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Quitting Dip

04-17-2020 Plebe Quit Scroll


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I would like to add that although I am currently naked and dragging my frail, injured body across the floor by my hands, rubbing my dick raw because I’m unable to move the lower half of my body, I finally have the wherewithal to realize the fine folks here would appreciate I paint a clearer picture of my night.

Between shitting down my legs, and running my wife out our bedroom, I lost approximately 18 pounds (I didn’t weigh myself but I am assuming here people, hang on) in the last 24 hours through brackish, watery shits, and copious amounts of sweat that has now ruined my mattress (mattress for sale neighbors!). If COVID-19 wasn’t a thing right now, my daughter would still have had to miss preschool today because frankly she’s dealing with PTSD now. Never in my life would I have foreseen that in the middle of the night during a worldwide quarantine would I have silently whispered to God, Buddha, Muhammad, or anyone else willing to lend an ear to just please give me COVID instead of this draining, asshole centered death of a thousand squirts. I hope everyone is doing well and I pray that I am not on the verge of the latest global pandemic. I can't handle a probing right now.

still quit.

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