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Quitting Dip

09-12-2020 Plebe Quit Scroll


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33 minutes ago, EnglishFire said:

EnglishFire 26 days quit!! Worked late shift last night so just waking up. Quit all day!

Consider posting before bed and then again when you wake up. Start a new scroll if you have to.

Do you have anyone’s contact info? Does anyone have yours? How can anyone provide Accountability if they can’t reach you?

Own your quit. Make it bulletproof.

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1 hour ago, Rjkjr said:

Rjkjr- 1 day cold turkey 

Welcome @Rjkjr!

Read as much as you can, drink lots of water, and post your intro on the intro page as soon you can.  If you're quit and ready to swear off nicotine forever, this is the best place to be.  

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