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Good, vaping is horribly offensive, and makes you look like a doosher anyway:



New York Bans Vaping Indoors In Public: State Law Classes E-Cigs With Cigarettes


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  • 1 month later...


Not a word spoken about his former use of chew. Sad!

The Buffalo Bills are rallying for Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly, confirming Thursday his cancer has returned.

“We are deeply saddened to hear the news about Jim Kelly and his impending battle with cancer,” the team said in a statement. “Jim is a tough and courageous man and we know he will fight this battle with strength and determination.

The Buffalo Bills will support the Kelly family during this trying time and we ask our fans to pray for the family as Jim begins the treatment process and the road to recovery.”

Kelly, 58, was first diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in June 2013. Following a procedure, it was announced he was cancer-free. During a follow-up less than a year later, it was confirmed the cancer had returned. He was declared cancer-free again in summer 2014.

“As our family has faced many trials and triumphs throughout the years, you have blessed us with your prayers. We are asking for those prayers once again,” Kelly said in his own statement Thursday. “The oral cancer we hoped would be gone forever has returned. Although I was shocked and deeply saddened to receive this news, I know that God is with me. I continuously talk about the four F’s. Faith, Family, Friends and Fans. With all of you by my side, we will fight and win this battle together. Staying ‘Kelly Tough’ and trusting God, will carry us through the difficult time.”
Edit: After looking more into this, Jim Kelly announced in 2013 that he never dipped or smoked. My bad for assuming.
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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎10‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 10:10 AM, 8meds said:


Who would even let a guy that smokes eat their pussy?

Somebody who's got a pussy that gives you cancer or something no matter what you do to it probably.

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  • 3 months later...

I suppose it doesn't matter how much of a sneaky ninja dipping nicotine addict you are if the cause of death in your obit is choking on a chaw of cancer.


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*insert your name here* 

He Strangled on the Wad! 

Maybe we should worry less about the cancer and more about the wad choking.



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1 hour ago, monkey said:

A picture really is worth a 1000 words. Fuck every one of these liars.7xl9n6v.jpg

It's just a bunch of shit that happened. 

They're not victims, but they are the ultimate slaves to the tobacco plant.  The moment that genetic mutation happened in that plant - when nicotine levels increased 10,000x (or whatever it was) - this was destined to happen.

They didn't think they were lying.  Just we didn't think we were lying to ourselves every time we stuffed our faces with that plant.  If they all woke up and quit, found truth, and repented, new slaves would simply step right up to take their places.

If we eradicated the tobacco plant from the face of the planet, we'd just substitute a different drug to feed our want of an altered mental state.

The only solution is quit.

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  • 3 months later...


Juul has the audacity to announce they are pulling flavored vape pods and suspending social media marketing because they care about the kids and don’t want them using them.  They rushed to get this out before the FDA announced the restrictions.  


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  • 2 months later...

Hawaii is considering a bill that bans cigarette sales to anyone under 100

"The age limits would not apply to e-cigarettes, cigars or chewing tobacco." WTF?  Because they are healthier than smoking? Not!

Im sure somebody is already putting together a campaign to fill the void with other nic related products. Evil shit.

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  • 4 months later...
On 6/21/2019 at 5:15 AM, monkey said:

Yet again. Why slowly rot and make a hole in your face when you can achieve the same results instantly with a vape?

Wonder if it was bubble gum flavor.


Damn.  Exploding nicotine.  Didn't read the whole thing to find out if they mentioned whether the kid quit vaping, but I hope he takes that as a sign.

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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, Ace said:

Flavored vape ban today.  They’ve been selling flavored dip for decades and no one seems to care. 

Well dip kills you slowly, but surely ... vs. an immediate death for some with this shit.

"A safe alternative to smoking"

Hah ... fuck you, vaper.  


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"To just be honest with you, I don't know how much I really care about my health right now. It's sort of short-sighted, but it is what it is. I'm just young. I get to not care, which is nice."

"I get to not care, which is nice." Oh you ignorant stupid fucker that once was me. There it is. The reason young (and old) people dont stop using addictive substances. Youll care when your walking around pulling an oxygen tank so you can breathe at age 25.

Youll notice they keep throwing out the word habit. Wouldnt wanna call it addictive behavior cause that might hurt a nicotine addicts feelings.

Fuck vaping. Next these dumbasses will be suing Druul for putting it in their mouths and forcing them to give it a blow job all day. 

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Vapers seek relief from nicotine addiction in — wait for it — cigarettes

“Bought a juul to quit smoking cigarettes,” he wrote, “now I’m smoking cigarettes to quit the juul.” He ended with this hashtag: #circleoflife.

No ... circle of death you fucking idiot.  


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1 hour ago, 8meds said:

Vapers seek relief from nicotine addiction in — wait for it — cigarettes

“Bought a juul to quit smoking cigarettes,” he wrote, “now I’m smoking cigarettes to quit the juul.” He ended with this hashtag: #circleoflife.

No ... circle of death you fucking idiot.  


This is why cold turkey is the only way. All the nicotine products, the cessation counseling, the hypnotists, it’s all bullshit. They have zero incentive to actually get people off this shit for good. 

I saw a billboard the other day for an opioid rehab place and it said “relapsing is not failure”. No fucking shit you would say that. Relapse is money for you. The more they relapse the more money you get to bill insurance companies. When the insurance money is gone you get people’s families to pay out of pocket.  

If you’re not part of the solution, there’s good money to be had prolonging the problem. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 1/2/2020 at 10:18 AM, IndianaMike said:


I bet they reused chaw plugs and snuff during the depression.  Maybe they made their own from the poison leaves.


I see people picking up cigarette butts, that have been in whoever the fucks mouth, and smoking them all the time. Can you imagine walking down the sidewalk, seeing a wad of chew and putting it in your mouth to get that last little bit of poison out of it? From someone elses mouth? Brrrr. Nicotine addicts are pretty lame. Hmmm, Ive never personally done that but I would be surprised.

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1 hour ago, IndianaMike said:

After getting his blowjob the officer cuffed and stuffed the bitch.

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  • 4 months later...
On 9/25/2020 at 6:43 PM, Itchmay said:

I'm sure they'll start selling some other addicting thing. Vaping is still nicotine. Maybe as someone who drinks and takes caffeine shouldn't be judging.

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1 hour ago, Maggs said:

I'm sure they'll start selling some other addicting thing. Vaping is still nicotine. Maybe as someone who drinks and takes caffeine shouldn't be judging.

For sure. On the wall of shame at the convenience store, there is now a lot of shelf space dedicated to those tobacco-free nicotine products such as ZYN---all meant to hook the kids when they're young and keep them on the nic teat for a long-ass time.

I think you're justified to judge with extreme prejudice. Plenty of people drink some alcohol and/or coffee, but doing so doesn't totally control and consume their lives. I was completely owned by nicotine for over 30 years and I was always requiring more of it. I drink coffee every morning, but I don't need it all day, evening, and night. 


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That's a good point. I have a friend who did AA and he said the definition of addiction is when it stops you from living your life... For example sneaking dips in your car instead of being with your family etc. Or maybe that's just how I justify the occasional nightcap, ha.

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  • 7 months later...


another Snus user reported sticking the product up their ass. “Tried to put snus in my anus once,” they said. “Quite painful after just a few minutes. But the nicotine craving disappeared, so I guess it works.” 


There's another way to get rid of cravings, and you don't have to put anything up your ass. 

Just quit doing them. 

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15 hours ago, Lipi said:


another Snus user reported sticking the product up their ass. “Tried to put snus in my anus once,” they said. “Quite painful after just a few minutes. But the nicotine craving disappeared, so I guess it works.” 


There's another way to get rid of cravings, and you don't have to put anything up your ass. 

Just quit doing them. 

Maybe they are actually looking for a reason to put something in their ass anyway and this trend seemed like as good an excuse as any.

"Tried to put Listerine toothpaste in my anus once," they said. "Quite painful after just a few minutes. But the nicotine craving disappeared, so I guess it works."

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Bland story about a TV cowboy getting cancer. No mention of what caused it, guess it's just one of those things.. 

'Yellowstone' actor Barry Corbin opens up about oral cancer battle


Whoops. Quick search found a puff piece about him a decade ago, includes glorifying his nicotine usage. 


Corbin is sitting by a fire in his living room when Ross comes downstairs on her way to run errands. She lives in the main part of the house, while Corbin and his girlfriend, Barbara, live in a guesthouse.

Father and daughter exchange “I love you’s” as she leaves. Corbin loads a dip of Copenhagen in his lip, zips up his jacket, and heads out back into a cold and windy drizzle to feed his horses. He’s as gentle and caring with them as he is with his daughter. He leans in close and whispers something to Smitty. The cutting horse is now 25 and gets special food because of his bad teeth.



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