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Quitting Dip

04-12-2022 Plebe Quit Scroll


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2 hours ago, davos22 said:

good morning. im new to site. I am on day 11 and using the patch. does anyone have any insight of when its safe to go down to level 2 on patch? i tried after 7 days and was a disaster. had to go back up

This is a cold-turkey nicotine QUITTING website dipshit.  We don't care about your fucking patch.  No wonder it was a disaster on day 7, your testicles haven't dropped.  When they do, toss the patch. 

There is no "win" using a different delivery method ... big deal.  You're like a dude who gave up snorting coke, but now inject it.  Same problem, different delivery.  Once you realize you're addicted to nicotine, maybe you'll have a chance.  Until then, fuck off.    

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6 hours ago, davos22 said:

good morning. im new to site. I am on day 11 and using the patch. does anyone have any insight of when its safe to go down to level 2 on patch? i tried after 7 days and was a disaster. had to go back up

You're on day zero.  When you stop using nicotine in any form you'll be on day one (or something). Come back swearing off the use of any nicotine and post a day 1.

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